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Dorobek database content

Scientific publications of KUE staff are documented in DOROBEK database, in accordance with Rector’s Decree ZARZĄDZENIE nr R.0211.62.2021 Rektora UEK z dnia 24 września 2021 r. [ [in Polish] on the system of information on the publication achievements of employees and doctoral students of KUE.

DOROBEK is a bibliographical database that collects information on monographs, textbooks, scripts and patents, as well as articles, books chapters, reviews and conference papers (or their summaries).

The database includes publications, doctoral theses and unpublished research work of KUE employees. Since 2015 the database contains also publications of PhD students.

The database is updated on a regular basis.

The data from the DOROBEK database are used for various purposes, especially for:

  • periodic assessment of KUE employees
  • awarding the KUE Rector's Prizes
  • parametric evaluation
  • creating citation reports

Publications are registered from autopsy, based on materials in the Library's collection or available online as well as originals and prints of works provided by the authors.

New publications can be submitted via the online form (in Polish). Completing this form does not result in immediate appearance of the publications in the database -  it’s the information for the librarians responsible for DOROBEK  to register that publication.

It is advisable for the new employees to send a list of their publications to: before visiting Information Services Department (ISD).  It won’t be necessary to bring materials that are already in the Library's collection.

After registration in DOROBEK database, the materials are returned to the authors.


Information Services Department

room 313, Main Library of KUE


phone#: (0048) 12 293 5736, 5739, 5751


The Announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of 3 November, 2023 on the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences
On July 17, 2023, the Polish Ministry of Education and Science published a new list of ranked scientific journals.