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Science Direct

The ScienceDirect database contains electronic versions of journals and books in various scientific disciplines published by Elsevier.

Since 2010, the access to ScienceDirect resources is granted by nationwide license funded entirely by the Ministry of Education and Science and managed by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM).

Due to the limitation of the national license, some collections within the database have been excluded since 2023.


JSTOR is a digital platform for scholarly publications from different fields of knowledge. KUE academic staff and students can access full-text articles from journals in regional studies from different parts of the world, arts, business and economics, history, humanities, law, medicine, science and mathematics and social sciences.

Access covers a mixed time range - from archival issues (sometimes from the 19th century and earlier) to the present day, usually excluding the last few years.

The World Competitiveness Yearbook / IMD

IMD World Competitiveness Yerbook - is an annual report published by the Swiss International Institute for Management Development on the competitiveness of nations. The yearbook compares the performance of 63 countries on the basis of 340 criteria measuring various aspects of competitiveness.

Access to the 2024 yearbook in pdf file will be available after publication. All other yearbooks (from 2008 onwards) are available in print and selected ones are also available in pdf files.

Test. Stiftung Warentest

German monthly magazine, which publishes the results of tests of selected market services and goods. The independent foundation - Stiftung Warentest conducts between 80 and 100 comparison tests per year using around 1,700 products. Results of the surveys inform customers about the quality of the products offered by each company.

Available after logging in by the librarian.

Wall Street Journal

Published in New York, one of the best-known business magazines. It presents up-to-date news and analysis, as well as opinions and market data on key developments in the international economy and finance.

Current issue available after logging in by the librarian.

Population Studies

The scope of the journal is comprehensive: applications in developed and developing countries; historical and contemporary studies; quantitative and qualitative research; analytical essays and reviews. The topics of the articles range from classic issues such as the determinants and consequences of population change to topics such as family demography and evolutionary and genetic influences on demographic behaviour.

Management Science

Management Science is an academic journal that publishes research on management theory and practice. The journal covers all aspects of management related to strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, technology and organisations, as well as all functional areas of business such as accounting, finance, information systems, marketing and operations. The journal covers research on organisational, managerial, group and individual decision-making from both normative and descriptive perspectives.