Open Access Publication at KUEOpen access publishing


The program has been suspended after utilizing the pool of 1013 articles for 2024. The program’s resumption is planned for the first quarter of 2025 when the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) will fund a new national license agreement with Elsevier. The program will cover articles submitted to journals in 2025. The list of journals in the program will likely remain the same as in 2024 (see the link below) unless the MNiSW decides to finance an expanded scope of the national license.

List of journals covered by the program for 2024.

  • 473 hybrid journals under individually signed contract,
  • 1102 hybrid journals from 7 Science Direct subject collections in accordance with the national license restriction introduced in December 2022:

The programme does not include journals from the gold open access and some journals, which are co-published with Elsevier.  Article Types under the programme: Case Reports, Data, Full-Length Articles, Micro Articles, Software, Reviews, Replication Study, Short Communications, Short Surveys, Videos, Practice Guidelines and Protocols. Here you can check full descriptions of all types of articles.

Due to Programme , an author can publish an article with APC (Article Processing Charge) covered. (You can check this in the Right and Access form à 100% discount) 

Presentation of the Rights and Access form for the A program


Full information about APC prices for articles with or without discount under Programme is available for authors after acceptance for publication their articles in the Right and Access Form. 

Please pay attention!

Some journals might have extra fees, which are not included in the Rights and Access Form, e.g.  Page Charges, Submission Fee or fee for additional services (graphics, images). Please visit the website of a selected journal or send an email to editorial office, to check the full list of fees. “Page Charges” might be independent to open access or subscription, so please check the website or terms and conditions set by a journal. 

Using programme: 

Once an article is reviewed and editorially accepted for publication, the author receives an email with a link to the Rights and Access form.  

You have to fill in: 

  1. Details about the corresponding author and affiliated institution.  
  2. Details about co-authors and their affiliated institution.  
  3. Provide supporting information – e.g. insert the name of the Research Funder that 
    supported your research and the Grant Number associated with this. 
  4. Provide publishing options – if the article qualifies for the program then the APC fee waiver option will be displayed
  5. Select license: CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND. We advise authors to check any funder or institutional mandates, for example, research-funded authors may need to choose CC-BY (Creative Commons Attribution License), e.g. grants from NCN. 
  6. Author/authors consent.  
  7. Confirm you accept the licence terms. 

If you submit the Right and Access form, your article will be verified and after that, you will receive an email with the results.  

Please pay attention!

As an author, you can choose, if you want to publish your article under a subscription and it does not result in limited access to the programme. 

Verification process: 

Information about your article submitted under Programme will be sent to the local administrator (through Elsevier) to confirm your affiliation. The local administrator can reject the article under Programme B if your affiliation institution does not cover APC. 

If you need help, please contact Elsevier:  or WBN (Wirtualna Biblioteka Nauki):