Other research data repositories
Repository indexing sites:
OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories) – is a catalogue of open repositories of scientific institutions. The portal indexes the resources of several thousand repositories and allows their searching
re3data.org – an international registry of research data repositories from all disciplines, allows you to browse a list of data repositories by type, discipline and country
ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories) – a register of open access repositories created at the University of Southampton.
Agregator CEON – a tool for accessing the resources of polish open repositories.
Open Archives – an index of repositories and digital libraries from around the world with descriptions and links.
Open Archives – an index of repositories and digital libraries from around the world with descriptions and links.
Multidisciplinary repositories:
Zenodo – iternational research data repository developed through the OpenAIRE initiative and CERN. Designed for so-called small data.
The official portal for European Union – a universal access point to data published by the European Union institutions, agencies and other bodies. The portal is a key element of the EU’s open data strategy.
OpenAIRE Explore – a multi search engine for publications and research data avaiable in Open Access from European Union countries.
Harvard Dataverse – a free repository of data open to all researchers in any discipline, both within and outside the Harvard comunity.
RepOD – open data repository developed by ICM UW. Designed for so-called small data.
Figshare – a multidisciplinary project created by science enthusiats from Europe and the US, where scientists can archive and share research results, including data, datasets, images and videos.
NIH-Supported Data Sharing Resources – a database of specialised research data repositories, many of which provide so-called big data collected from specific projects.
NIH-Supported Data Sharing Resources – a database of specialised research data repositories, many of which provide so-called big data collected from specific projects.
Research data search engines:
Date Cite Search – allows more than 2600 repositores from all over the world to be searched in one place.
Google Dataset Search – a search engine launched in 2018 to find scientific data.